The information in this web site offers only an overview of our services. Information is subject to change and should not be used as an absolute guide. Users should contact Sparkling HouseKeeping Services for consultation. Sparkling HouseKeeping Services accepts no responsibility for any losses or mishaps, direct or indirect , that may occur from the use of this website and the information contained within it.
Sparkling HouseKeeping Services accepts no liability or responsibility, for any loss or damage to any property whatsoever, real or personal, to whomsoever, or any loss or expense related to such loss or damage to the Client, Housekeeper or any person whomever.
In no event shall Sparkling HouseKeeping Services be liable for indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages to the Client, Housekeeper or any person whomsoever even if Sparkling HouseKeeping Services has been advised of the possibility of such damages.